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Saturday, February 12, 2011


So family comes in many forms. Your flesh and blood, your friends and your co workers. I can say that you can be truly aware of who you can consider family until you have a life altering event. Every one initially shows concern and wants  to help. Then as things get bad your true family comes out. The ones that stand by you as you slowly go crazy from being sick. They are not the ones that can only discuss you being sick but the ones that keep it normal. The ones who know that the attitude you are giving can not be helped and look past it. The ones who visit just because they want to not because they heard you had bad news. They just want to spend time with you. The ones that don't just show up for the surgeries and the bad times. the ones that are there for both the bad and good times. The ones that let you cry on there shoulder when you need to the ones that laugh at you because you are laughing at yourself. You find that not all the flesh and blood family is as important because they can't do both, they can't be there for good and bad, they can't come and see you at worse and know how to handle it. You find that friends come from strange places, those that you thought would be there for you are not and the unexpected ones that are. Your co workers that take you in and treat you normally and can make you laugh, and know that not being able to walk right or talk right is frustrating but can make you laugh about it. So I want to thank all my family for the support. I think by now you know that I don't consider all my family to be flesh and blood. that my family is made of friends,co workers and those who share my DNA. I thank those who ask how I am out of concern but also know that cancer does not define me and there is more to me. I feel bad for those who can not see me past the illness. Because I am still here and still a bitch some of the time,but also I will still do anything for my true family that is in my power while I am sick and they know they can ask,because I am not defined by my illness. Cancer does not own me,not until I take my last breath and I know who will be there for me. OK My Mom just read my blog and had a very good analogy for my life. You don't visit cancer you live it. Thank you to all who live it and the REST of my life with me.

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